Wondering if I’m the right coach for you?

A little bit about me

For nearly two decades, I served as an executive presbyter (which is the church-y version of executive director) and the entire time I worked in that capacity, I had a coach. My work with her made all the difference for me. It was so valuable to have someone with whom I could work out sticky situations, process challenges, and work through plans. If I needed to vent, she was there. If I needed to plan, she asked me great questions. And a decade and a half into my work with the presbytery, my personnel committee wrote coaching into my job description so I pursued certification through the University of Wisconsin.

Now I coach pastors, non-profit executives, judicatory leaders, fundraising managers, yoga teachers, writers, and all sorts of others. I also work with sessions, councils, presbyteries, and strategic planning teams. And sometimes, I write policy. (Don’t be jealous - it’s so fun!)

I have decades of non-profit leadership experience along with a background in human resources and organizational development. I can help you define the problem, design the process, implement the project, and report the findings. I can help you create change and sustain it.

In my nonwork life, I’m a runner, a gardener, a parent (to young adults), a partner, and a knitter. I read voraciously. I’m relentlessly curious. And, I believe it’s a big world, and there are lots of ways to live in it. (Ask me about this sometime - turns out it’s a hard thing to commit to 100% of the time.)

In my spare time, I work on a Reparations initiative.

If you’re wondering what coaching is like, click the link below for a free 30-minute exploratory session, or send me an email to connect.

One to one coaching

One To one coaching is where the magic happens. Setting aside time and space to think deeply and identify goals and Actions steps will help you succeed no matter whant you’re working on.


Good Facilitation means having a clearly defined purpose, A sense of the outcome your headed toward, and a process by which you’ll get there.

Policy writing

Are your policies and procedures up to date? Do you know what your bylaws require? Is your onboarding documented?

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